7. Multiple integral
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Very similar to this: Riemann Sum (univariate calculus).
Now give you a partition :
of this interval with distinguished points .
We defined Riemann sum as:
If exist and finite, we often denoted it as or :
exist and are equal.
because of the orthogonality, we have:
so we recall the Jacobian:
so that,
Let be an interval in , which is the direct product of intervals and . If the function is integrable over , then all three of the integrals
If is a diffeomorphism of a bounded open set onto a set of the same type, and is a compact subset of , then , and the following formula holds:
simplified Chinese: 设 为 中的有界开集之间的微分同胚, 为 定义在 上的函数,满足条件 则 当且仅当 , 并且如果 ,则成立如下的变量代换公式:
In general polar coordinates in are introduced via the relations:
Denote the sphere is We can easily have the recurrence formula:
It's trivial that , , assume that , so